Amputation & Loss of Limb Claims

Losing a limb or an appendage is a life-changing ordeal. It can be incredibly difficult to get back to your previous standard of living, even after spending large sums of money on prosthetics – if that is possible in your circumstance.

When your amputation was a result of an accident that was not your fault or due to the negligence of another party, this can make the situation even worse and create a downward spiral for your mental health on top of the damage to your physical health.

At Brown Turner Ross, our serious injury solicitors do everything they can to help get you back on track and living your best life. We put you first by not only pushing for maximum compensation, but by also being considerate of your health and wellbeing from day one.

Fill out the form below for a consultation with one our legal experts.

How much compensation do you get for losing a limb in the UK?

Your amputation claim amount will vary depending on the location and the severity of your injury. Large, catastrophic injuries such as a double above the knee leg amputation will likely result in a higher compensation amount than if you lost a single digit on your hand or your foot.

This is because your compensation will be made up of the impact it has on your life/abilities as they were prior to the incident, any medical expenses that you have accumulated, as well as any loss of earnings.  So, for example, if you are a woodworker, then losing an arm will have a drastic effect on both your current and future earning potential which will be accounted for in your total compensation sum.

On top of this, the emotional impact that your injury has had on you and your family will also be accounted for in the compensation that you are awarded.

Amputation claim chart

Just like how a spinal injury can lead to a bigger claim or a smaller claim, like with the comparison between cauda equina syndrome and a sprain, amputation compensation amounts can vary between a few thousand pounds to over £200,000.

Take a look at the chart below to find a range of compensation values for different types of amputation injuries.

Chart of personal injury claim amounts

Phantom pain

Pain in the region where your limb once was is called phantom pain. Not every person who is an amputee experiences phantom pain, although it is very common.

It was previously thought to have been a purely psychological phenomenon. However, after research into the topic, this theory has been disproved. Now, the current understanding of phantom pain is that it comes from the brain and the spinal cord.

Phantom pain comes in many forms, but usually feels like shooting, cramping, burning, or throbbing pains. Most people who experience phantom pain will need to manage it over the long-term, during the course of which they may experience pain daily.

An experienced solicitor, like ours at Brown Turner Ross, will be able to include phantom pain in your compensation case as well as provide you with resources that you can use to help manage your pain. We can put you in touch with experts during your recovery process who will advise you on the best course of action if you are experiencing phantom pain.

Assistance with your prosthesis

At Brown Turner Ross, our service for you is not limited solely to the court room. As an experienced personal injury legal team, we have contacts within the healthcare sector and can connect you with medical and recovery experts who will help get you on the right path to recovery at the earliest opportunity.

In the aim of acquiring you a prosthetic limb, we will do all in our power to push for the best quality devices that are available. As part of your claim, the defendant will be liable to pay for any upfront and future costs associated with the supply and maintenance of your prosthetics.

The Rehabilitation Code 2015 means that we can seek to provide you with beneficial help with regards to your rehabilitation before liability has been determined by the courts. It is important that, if there are steps in your recovery that would be advantageous for you to receive at the earliest opportunity, that you can receive this without worrying about initial costs.

Amputation solicitors

If you have been the unfortunate victim of an amputation as a result of someone else’s negligence, then get in touch with our experienced personal injury solicitors at Brown Turner Ross today for help in acquiring compensation for your injuries.


How much can I get for amputated thumb tip?

Partial finger amputation will likely result in less compensation that a full finger amputation.

However, as the thumb is an incredibly useful appendage that we rely on for many day-to-day activities, compensation should still be substantial.

Can you claim for amputation on your pet?

If your pet has suffered an amputation as a result of veterinary negligence, then you can claim for compensation.

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