Lasting Powers of Attorney

Are you worried that you or a loved one may, one day, need help managing your affairs?

Planning for the future is a clever way to ensure that, should the day come, a loved one that you trust has the legal authority to help you manage your affairs or help with making decisions when it comes to matters such as your financial affairs, medical treatment or personal welfare. 

We can help advise and assist you with creating a Lasting Power of Attorney.

We would advise everyone to create a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) because the law is that you can only register your LPA if you can show you understand why you have made your decision to appoint an attorney to manage your affairs. 

If you have had a loss of mental faculties before creating your LPA and you cannot show that you understand what is happening the process is more difficult and involves the court.

If you have a relative who has lost mental capacity and you are worried about how to make sure their interests and wishes are protected we can help you to make an application to the Court of Protection for you to become a Deputy with the responsibility.

We’ll instruct your Attorney before they need to use your lasting power of attorney, which can help them to make decisions and allow you to know that your wishes will be followed.

Power of Attorney: 

Sadly, there could come a time when we are rendered unable to look after ourselves properly as a result of disease or accident and we need help and assistance in dealing with our money and belongings, as well as in dealing with our well-being and healthcare.

If you (or a member of your family) want to plan for the possibility that one day you may not be able to manage your affairs due to age, illness or disability, you can sign what is called a Lasting Power of Attorney.

This means that you can appoint someone of your choosing while you are still fit and healthy – someone who you think is the best person to manage your affairs.

If you do become incapable in the future, and you have not appointed a person with a Lasting Power of Attorney the Court of Protection is required to appoint someone and this process is not only costly and time-consuming but more importantly you would not have any influence as to who that person is.

For advice and support throughout these difficult times, our experienced and compassionate team of family solicitors in Liverpool and Southport are here for you.

Private Client

We’re here to protect the rights and best interests of you and your loved ones and we bring a friendly and caring approach to everything we do.

Southport Solicitors

Tel: 0170-454 2002

Fax: 0170-454 3144

11 St George's Place

Lord Street



Liverpool Solicitors

Tel: 0151-236 2233

Fax: 0170-454 3144

The Cotton Exchange Building

Bixteth Street


L3 9LQ