Contentious Probate After Death

Contentious Probate

Following the death of a loved one, it’s not uncommon for contentious probate issues to arise between beneficiaries, executors and/or administrators.

Our team of probate solicitors in Liverpool and Southport will guide you through every step of the process, whether you’re an executor or beneficiary and we will work on a fixed fee basis as much as possible.

Contentious probate issues are many and varied and can involve disputes over the value or distribution of assets, the suitability of executors, probate fees and any other concerns over an executor which could lead to actions to remove them.

The role of an executor is not an easy one, and it means that any claims relating to the deceased can be brought by or against you. 

Our specialist probate lawyers will guide you through the process with care and compassion.

How Can We Help?

  • By entering the required protective entry or search at the Probate Court in order to protect your position.
  • By obtaining all relevant evidence needed to support your claim such as copies of the Will, medical notes and statements from any relevant witnesses.
  • By writing a comprehensive Letter of Claim which sets out your case including, where appropriate, providing relevant documentary evidence, making reference to Alternative Dispute Resolution (such as mediation) and requesting confirmation that the Estate will not be distributed until the issues raised in the Letter of Claim are either resolved by agreement or by Court Order.
  • By reviewing and discussing with you the Letter of Response to the claim.

It’s also important to note that a contentious probate claim must be made within 12 years after the death of the deceased or 12 years from the date that a person is eligible to bring the contentious probate claim.

There are some circumstances, such as medical negligence cases, where a contentious probate case can be shorter so it’s essential you place your trust in the hands of experts who will do all they can to help.

The contentious probate team at Brown Turner Ross has a wealth of experience when it comes to all manner of claims and threats against estates so if you have questions about a loved one’s estate or how to apply for probate then contact us now. 

Have You Been Left Out of a Will?

Do you think that you have been unfairly left out of a Will?

Do you think you have not received a legacy left to you in a loved one’s Will?

When an individual has been left out of a Will or has not received a legacy which they were bequeathed in a Will, then they may have a claim against the estate.

If this applies to you and your loved one has passed away within the last 6 months then you could have a potential claim. 

Contact a member of our team who will be able to advise you in relation to this and provide guidance on whether such a claim would be successful.

Click here to find out how we charge for probate

Private Client

We’re here to protect the rights and best interests of you and your loved ones and we bring a friendly and caring approach to everything we do.

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Lord Street



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Tel: 0151-236 2233

Fax: 0170-454 3144

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Bixteth Street


L3 9LQ